Making Comics

Welcome to Artithmeric, the platform responsible for sharing your comic books with the world. Some of you may have just begun taking a shot at your showstoppers, however, for the few that have just begun toying with the thought, this post is devoted to you.

With regards to making comics, and we utilise the expression “making” freely in light of the fact that it doesn’t start to describe the amount of work that goes into making comics.

To begin with, you have to think of a storyline – this will require a decent amount of thought and planning – which isn’t as easy as it sounds. When you have come up with your initial idea, you will need to start plotting down the main ideas which will help you turn your comic book idea into a reality.

It is important to remember that composing a comic book isn’t the equivalent to composing a novel and that the two styles are completely different. You need to be quite visual in terms of your thinking when it comes to creating a comic book and you may need to recruit an extra set of hands to assist you in completing your creation.